Agricultural land is natural base of agriculture production process. With the restoration of market relations in the national economy have been revitalized the main functions of the land market, including the function of distribution and redistribution of agricultural land plots throw the transactions of sale (and other kinds of transactions) which should be permanently owned by the most qualified farmers. For achieving this major objective land market are required to be materialized ongoing assessment of trends and pace of development of the local land market.
According to the survey, this market since year 2000 show relatively stable growth rates on market prices or annual surfaces as a subject of sale transactions, or general circuit volumes of agricultural land market.
Main methods of investigation are forming dynamic lines, qualitative and quantitative analysis, comparison, mathematical modeling etc.
As the results can be noted tangible successes of dynamic development of the land market in Moldova, as well as a whole series of drawbacks, whose elimination in time will essentially improve the final results of this fragment of general management mechanism market.