Lidia MAIER, Researcher, National Institute for Economic Research, Moldova
Alexandra NOVAC, PhD, Associate Researcher, National Institute for Economic Research, Moldova
The assessment of the business environment and its trends represents an importantsource of information for business development strategies and decision making by investors. Internationalrankings, related to the assessment of the business environment, enable a qualitative comparisonof the business development conditions in many countries. Therefore, the results of these rankings oftenserve as a basis for monitoring and improving the state policies at national and regional levels.The purpose of this article is to analyze the position of Moldova in international rankings, which reflectthe business environment and to evaluate the advantages and constraints of using these rankings in thestate entrepreneurship policy. The article includes: (i) the experience of using the international rankingsin national strategies abroad and in Moldova; (ii) the assessment of Moldova’s position in theinternational rankings, which refer to business development; (iii) the identification of the advantages andconstraints in using the international rankings for monitoring, evaluating and improving the state policy(on the example of Moldova). The research methodology is based on a comparative analysis ofinternational rankings methods and results, as well as on a critical analysis of using the ratings inassessing the state policy.