2015, no. 3


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Olga GAGAUZ, PhD, Associate Professor,National Institute for Economic Research
Mariana BUCIUCEANU-VRABIE, PhD, Associate Professor,National Institute for Economic Research

Actuality of the study is to extend knowledge on the key issues facing older people. The purpose of the research is to establish the socio-economic position of the elderly, level of respect of their rights in various areas and their vulnerability. The study methodology includes a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. First, by using the method of social survey based on questionnaire on two target-groups samples (one for people aged 60 and over (1096 respondents) and another for employable people aged 20-55 (500 respondents)). Second, by conducting individual 10 in-depth interviews with experts and three focus group with elderly (aged 60 and over) that live in their own household/housing (38 elderly). The study allowed identifying the main problems faced by older people in various social areas, to identify cases of discrimination, as well as to develop a series of recommendations to improve the situation.

elderly, population ageing, living standard, discrimination, healthcare services, welfare.