2018, no. 1


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Galina SAVELIEVA, PhD, Scientific Researcher,National Institute for Economic Research, Republic of Moldova
Mariana PRODAN, PhD, Scientific Researcher,National Institute for Economic Research, Republic of Moldova

„The state of development of a society can be identified from the way it deals with the most vulnerable members, the support it creates for their support, the political and social attention given to their situation”, Herbert Paulshin

This article presents the results of research on the phenomenon of vulnerability on the labour market, which is specific to contemporary economies as a consequence of the phenomenon of economic cyclicality and, in particular, economic and financial crises, globalization processes, etc. The Republic of Moldova is not an exception: internal factors (political instability, unfavourable climatic conditions and problems in the banking sector), as well as the influence of external factors (the crisis in Ukraine, the recession in the Russian Federation and the trade restrictions imposed by this country on RM, the decline in world agricultural prices), the irreversible aging process, have made the formation of vulnerable groups subject to social risk on the labour market that need of state protection. In this context, the objective of the study is to highlight the categories in the field, arguing the reasons and causes of reporting to a particular group. The study relies on data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the National Agency for Employment and the secondary analysis of selective research in the field. The main methods of research are: monographic, systemic, logical, analysis and synthesis, economic calculations, graphical interpretation, tabulations etc.

Despite of gradual improvement in some employment indicators and of the promotion of active policies, the employment of different groups of the population capable of activating economically remains insufficient. There are significant differences in employment among young people, the rural and urban population, by sex and age, in particular pre-retirement and retirement, people with disabilities, returned migrants. The promotion of active employment policies, the reduction of all forms of discrimination, in particular of persons with disabilities and women, the diversification and accessibility of training and professional training, the promotion of flexible working arrangements, the development of social and economic infrastructure, especially in rural areas, reforming the wage system will help to increase the level of employment.

vulnerabilitate, piața muncii, rata ocupării, șomaj, migrație, excluziunea.