2018, no. 2


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Editor-in-chief of the journal „Economy and Sociology”Alexandru STRATAN,Correspondent Member of ASM, PhD, Professor,Director NIER

In 2018, the scientific-theoretical journal „Economy and Sociology” marks the 65th anniversary of its foundation, years of hard work, professionalism and dedication.

The journal „Economy and Sociology” was founded in 1953 by the Academy of Sciences of Moldovan SSR, Sociology Department of the Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law.A special contribution to the founding and development of the journal brought the correspondent member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, the founder of the sociological school in the Republic of Moldova, PhD in economics, Professor Andrei Timuș.

Over the years, chief editors have been: Matienco B.T. (1958-1985), Grosul Ia.S.,Ursul A.D. (1989), Singur G.N. (1990-1991), Certan S.E. (1992), Ciobanu V. V. (1993-2006).

In 2006, the journal was taken over by the National Institute for Economic Research (NIER)of the ASM, the editor-in-chief being Professor Gheorghe Iliadi, and since 2016 this position has been taken by me.

During 65 years the journal „Economy and Sociology” became a platform with authority for scholars in economics and sociology. Throughout these years, all aspects of economic and social development have been reflected in the pages of the journal: trends in the development of the national and global economy, living standards, social structure and quality of life of the population,etc. Over the last few years, more and more articles have been discussing the current issues of entrepreneurial development, economic competitiveness, innovation, financial stability,demographic dynamics, etc.

The authors of the journal are representatives of different research institutes and universities in the country and abroad, contributing to the presentation and development of methodological aspects in economic and sociological research, elaboration and consolidation of the theoretical bases on sustainable socio-economic development.

Since 2015, the journal has been edited only in English, which has contributed to the increase of the representatives of foreign authors as well as its international visibility.

Thus, the journal has strengthened its position as a high-level scientific platform that debates the most current issues in the economic and social fields, an academic publication presenting the results of the original scientific research that adds value to the development of economic and sociological science.

The journal „Economy and Sociology” is positioned as an edition focused to the needs of specialists in the field, including practitioners, and indisputable offers the opportunity to receive current and qualitative information on new phenomena and trends in the national and world economy.

The anniversary gives me the opportunity to address the current journal management team wishes for prosperity, beautiful achievements and great successes. A special respect and thanks to the authors of the journal for the original publications, which presents the results of their own researches with a scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance.

The journal develops and improves continuously. We are proud of our publication and do best efforts to improve its scientific level, its international visibility, thus to be a true business card not only of the National Institute for Economic Research but also of the entire scientific community in the Republic of Moldova.

Economie si Sociologie