2014, no. 2


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Efim ZUBCO, senior lecturer, State Agrarian University of Moldova

Agriculture was and remains one of the basic branches of the national economy. The need to develop a modern agriculture, capable of ensuring food security of the country, requires special attention of the state to this branch. This attention is manifested by the elaboration and implementation of agricultural subsidy strategies.

In the context of European integration, Republic of Moldova pursues to connect its agricultural policies with the European ones. At present, the subsidy policies in the Republic of Moldova differ significantly from those of the European Union. This is caused by several factors among which the most important is the lack of necessary funds.

The land reform of 1991 was an important stage of country\’s agricultural development. Ownership of agricultural land engendered new legal forms of organization. New socio-economic phenomena put their imprint on the entire production process in agriculture. Along with socio-economic issues which had a positive impact, we faced several negative aspects, for example: excessive fragmentation of land. In this case, the content of agricultural land relations is directly influenced both by the elaboration of the appropriate legislative framework and by the agricultural subsidy policy promoted by state.

The regulatory process (influence) of land relations requires, first of all, their detailed knowledge: knowledge of the object, subject, social economic and environmental needs. Only in this way, it is possible to develop approaches, modes and influence methods, i.e., the methodology of regulation of land relations.

The goal of any land reform or regulation of land relations can’t have a negative impact neither on the social, economic and environmental conditions nor on the living conditions of the population.

Agriculture, Land relations, Property, Rural area, State budget, Subvention.