2020, no. 2


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Veronica PRISACARU, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, State Agrarian University of Moldova
Tatiana SEVCIUC, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, State Agrarian University of Moldova
Grigore BALTAG, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, State Agrarian University of Moldova

Under the current conditions, marked by a flexible and turbulent environment, balancing the demand and supply of the labor market is one of the basic factors for sustainable development. In this context, identifying the most effective tools to adapt the supply of professional education to the needs of the sectors is an important step towards achieving the goals of sustainable development. Even if considerable efforts as well as relevant methodological tools are required, the process of harmonizing the requirements of the sectors and the content of professional education programs is particularly important and represents a decisive factor in achieving the sustainable development goals. The main purpose of this investigation was to highlight the essence and application aspects of the sectoral approach in anticipation of the necessary competences, as well as to operate with this tool in order to identify trends and problems related to crop production in the Republic of Moldova and to make changes necessary for improving the curricula. In order to achieve the proposed goal, the following methods were used: synthesis of methodological recommendations and good practices for applying the sectoral approach in anticipating competences; economic-statistical analysis; systematic approach; classification method; structural-logical method; generalization; deduction; drawing conclusions and reasoning, including using the objectives tree technique. The research resulted in explaining the essence and particularities of sectoral approach in terms of advantages and disadvantages, analysis of the agricultural production sector, especially crop production in the Republic of Moldova and formulating recommendations for improving agricultural study programs.

agriculture, competences, crop production, education, labor market, sectoral approach.

How to Cite:  
PRISACARU, Veronica, SEVCIUC, Tatiana, BALTAG, Grigore. Strengthening the competences of future specialists in accordance with the development trends of crop production. In: Economy and Sociology. 2020, no. 2, December, pp. 43-58.DOI: https://doi.org/10.36004/nier.es.2020.2-04