2015, no. 3


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Lidia MAIER, scientific researcher,National Institute for Economic Research
Iulita BIRCA, scientific researcher,National Institute for Economic Research

In the Republic of Moldova, the term of “spin-off” is little known, and research of the phenomenon, the possibilities for creating “spin-off” enterprises and the benefits they bring have not been achieved. The actuality of the theme is related to the need to create different groups of SMEs, given the importance that they have in the economy and the creation of new innovative enterprises (spin-offs) due to the implementation and marketing of knowledge products through the development of innovation activities and technology transfer and cooperation between SMEs and research institutions/universities. The purpose of this article is to show what companies are of “spin-off” type, the context in which there was necessary for creating them, their interaction with research organizations/universities, possible barriers to create such companies and the benefits of their creation. The following methods have been used in this article: analysis and generalization of literature, analytical materials, legislation creating innovative business abroad. As a result, it was found that “spin-off” companies are a new business model and one of the most effective and meaningful mechanisms to transfer and direct marketing knowledge from universities and public research institutions, or large companies with scientific activity. They are small businesses based on innovations and new technologies whose intellectual capital originates from organizations with scientific activity. These companies are designed to contribute to innovation, growth and jobs at local and national level and revenue generation. They are flexible and dynamic, they have great potential for growth, giving rise to fields and markets, and playing a key role in the development of high-tech clusters. There have been also drafted recommendations to facilitate the process of creating “spin-off” companies in Moldova by scientific/academic staff.

economy, innovation, research, enterprise, SME, spin-off.