2017, no. 4


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Dumitru STRATAN, PhD Student, Szent Istvan University, Hungary
Aleksandra ANGELOSKA, PhD Student, Szent Istvan University, Hungary
Nikola M. TRENDOV, PhD Student, Szent Istvan University, Hungary

The impact of women in the development of entrepreneurship is valuable, as they represent a key factor in the households; they contribute to solving the problems of unemployment and play a role in the social development of rural community. The behavior and characteristics of rural women from Southern east Europe are similar in terms of business environment and approach to businesses. The main characteristic is the nature and scale of business, which in almost all the cases are agricultural. The aim of this paper is to underline the similarities and differences of the women entrepreneurship profiles from rural areas of Moldova and Macedonia, as post socialist countries. For the purposes of this study, the authors collected and used primary and secondary data. Primary data are collected using survey and focus groups, organized in rural areas from Moldova and Macedonia, with women involved in entrepreneurial activities. The main findings of the research show that entrepreneur women from rural areas from both Moldova and Macedonia act using traditional approach of doing business, without innovative technologies or a well-defined strategy.

femei din mediul rural, antreprenoriat, Macedonia, Moldova.