2014, no. 4


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Simion CERTAN, Professor,Agrarian State University of Moldova
Ion CERTAN, PhD in economics,Moldovan State Institute of International Relations

Diversity in activities linked to rural areas will definitely increase the flow of people which practice this type of tourism. Thus rural tourism might be distinguished in a separate branch of national economy that can be observed in the final part, especially in terms of complex national development policy. This article analyses the potential for rural tourism development in Republic of Moldova, underlining its natural, historical-cultural and economical-social aspects.

Actuality. Issues on rural tourism development can be found in national and international research. However, even if the subject has been investigated, discussed at official meetings in our country, addressed to the scientific sessions, exhibited in national and international publications, study tourism potential in rural areas remains current.

Purpose. The aim is to present tourism offer in rural areas, rural tourism infrastructure, to analyze trends report “export” and “import” tourists, the difficulties faced by rural tourism enthusiasts and suggest some ways to overcome them.

Material and method. From research materials belong normative documents, publications specific theme, materials national and international conferences. The study was conducted on data Statistical Yearbooks of Moldova and EUROSTAT – that\’s were selected and processed by the authors. In applied research methods and techniques recognized and applied economic investigations.

agreement, tourism, rural, resources, policies, efficiency.