2016, no. 1


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Gheorghe RUSU, PhD, Profesor, State University of Moldova
Tudor ROBU, Phd Student, State University of Moldova
Mihai BUMBU, PhD Student, State University of Moldova

Economic policies and decisions on EU association starting with the begginig of 90’s were pseudo-scientific, contradictory, incoherent because those policies have not based themselves on modern and current economic theories elaborated and promoted by the EU. Actuality. The topic is actual from the perspective of the factors’ analysis which were conducting to delay the association process of Moldova to the EU. At the same time, those were increasing instability, disequilibrium in the national economy and raise of social vulnerability and constraint levels which ultimately increased the gap between the national and EU economic development levels. During the period of 2000-2015, the socio-economic policy of the Republic of Moldova is described more as small and fragmented steps on conceiving economic and financial instruments for the integration into the EU which were reflected in the Neighbourhood Partnership and Association Agreement with the EU. These processes conducted for the state incapacity to define its own objectives and social-economic priorities for the association as well as legitimated a continuous stage of transition to the market economy. The scope of the present article is to propose a real change of the development and social-economic association policies for achieving final objective on integration to EU. The proposals would consist in emphasizing and implementation of the EU economic principles reflected in the neoclassic synthesis and neo-conservative theories; the elaboration and implementation of a new Strategy on economic supervision, coordination and anticipation of the economic disequilibrium; achieve economic stability for diminishing the negative effects of the global and regional crisis on national economy and adaptation of the development policies to the national socio-economic conditions. The methods used for the elaboration and achieving the expected results of the study were analysis and synthesis of the reliable data on economic processes’ trends as well as macroeconomic prognoses for designing a set of development scenarios. Results were reflected in elaboration of a system of actions which includes EU as a monitoring mechanism for preventing and anticipating the disequilibrium that may occur during the association process. Stimulation of consumption, of the research and technological progress and targeting foreign investments in the innovation development priorities are some of other actions that are recommended in the article.

economic theory, imbalances and balances, crisis, recession, competition, competitiveness of the national economy, sovereign risk, internal threat, association and accession, external threat.