2015, no. 1


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Victor MOCANU, PhD in sociology, Institute of Juridical and Political Studies, ASM
Andrei DUMBRÄ‚VEANU, PhD in sociology, Institute of Juridical and Political Studies, ASM

This study represents by its content a competent sum up of the processes which have unfolded in Moldova for more than two decades of transition and it is focused on social stratification dimension. The social stratification itself proves to be a complex phenomenon, including a differentiated system of hierarchies which form up an integral entirety, determining the positioning of an individual within a social group. The opportunity of this monographic study dedicated to bringing out the processes of social stratification is determined by the need to identify the existence and theoretical grounding of the formed up groups or which are in process of being formed up, them being subjected to research by developing scales based on more criteria.

The indispensable nature of the investigations is amplified by the development of a new methodology, which would ensure the emphasis being placed on new social structure compatible with reality, approached through the prism of certain measurement indicators. While in Soviet period the social structure was grounded in occupation, there being present a simpliste picture with no consideration for internal hierarchy, neither for the diversity of the activities, nowadays there is an absolutely innovative approach, grounded on the complexity of the processes from within and out of the society, there being pointed out both the traditional dimension and the trends derived from creating a knowledge based society.

The work undertakes a multiaspectual analysis of stratification, including economic and political, professional and cultural dimensions.

social class, social categories, social structure, social stratification, education, occupation, social status, lifestyle.