2015, no. 1


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Yuriy KOZAK, PhD, Professor, Odessa National Economic University
Olga IERMAKOVA, PhD, Associate Professor, Odessa National Economic University

Imperfect innovation policy in Ukraine led to a number of problems in the sphere of innovations, such as: low national spending on science, poor national system of protection and management of intellectual property, inefficient organization of the innovation system, weak interaction of science, education and production in the innovation process, lack of foreign and domestic investment in high-tech business, reducing state support of innovation projects within the technological parks, low innovation activity of universities, unsatisfied indicator of cluster development, specialization of TNCs affiliates located in Ukraine at least innovation levels of production process – components assembly. Conceptual basis of regional innovation policy transformation in Ukraine should become the transition of clanoligarchic economic model to the economy that built on free entrepreneurship. The effectiveness of regional innovation policy in Ukraine could be increased by implementing measures of small and medium enterprises support, clusters and regional innovation infrastructure development, usage of resources of social capital.

innovation development, regional policy, clan-oligarchic model of the economy, small and medium business.