2014, no. 3


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Norina Consuela FORNA, PhD, Professor, Romania
Alexandru GRIBINCEA, PhD, Professor, ULIM

France ranks first globally in terms of quality of health care and the degree of accessibility, according to the Global Retirement Index 2014, published by International Living. This conclusion is also shared by experts from the World Health Organization. Thouse who pay contributions to social security system can benifit of health insurance that covers about 70% of patient’s costs, the difference is paid by the service recipient. In case of serious illness, compulsory insurance can cover up to 100% of expenses. France has, however, a private insurance that cover”, general, hospital treatment, but in some plans you have to pay your doctor visits costs. Other plans involve the reimbursement of 75% of physician\’s fee. “Also in France, patients suffering from a minor illness should not necessarily go to the doctor. They can call the pharmacy staff that is highly trained for many years. The list is completed by Uruguay, that holds second position. Here, lack of money is not an issue that would prevent residents to receive the medical care they need. “In addition to private options (of health insurance), there is a free public health system that provides a social safety in cities, and ensure that rural areas of the country receive medical care”, write the authors report. Third place is occupied by Malaysia, where “medical expertise it is similar or better than in most Western countries.” Medical service prices here are among the most affordable in the world and the quality of care is among the highest.

health, competitive, health care, global market, public and private expenditure.