2015, no. 1


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Ewa PŁACZEK, PhD, University of Economics in Katowice, Poland

The market of logistics services (TSL) in Poland is new, yet already mature. There are a lot of diverse entities operating there that provide various types of logistics services. So far the major goal of business conducted by them has been to generate profit that ensured further development. However, currently a change in the attitude towards business that is aimed for example at management of the company value is observed. And thus the following question should be asked: „What activities are undertaken by logistics services providers for the purpose of achievement of success such as for example improvement of the company attractiveness or growth in the company value?”.

To answer the question put in this way, the analysis of activities undertaken by providers of logistics services in Poland is performed. The article presents activities of logistics services providers that are the response to demands of the market – the customer, for the purpose of satisfaction of their individualised needs. We can consider them determinants of further operations that describe possible trends of development.

business models, elements of strategies, logistics services, providers, development, trends.