2016, no. 4


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Ana AVORNIC, PhD Student, University of European Political and Economic Studies "Constantin Stere", Moldova

Currently, for the Republic of Moldova, the research and development activity is one of the issues of primary importance by the fact that only oriented economy towards diffusion of innovations in the real sector can aspire to a favorable recovery. In this context, funding for research and innovation should be an essential component of managerial policy in the field of science. Currently, although the funding of science and innovation activity is carried out under the priority directions of development of science, based on a competitive system – state programs, independent projects, international and technology transfer projects, we cannot speak of an actual „market” of funding of research and development activities, since most of the funds for this activity are allocated from the budget. The carried out study comes as an attempt to highlight certain aspects of the research and development financing processes in the Republic of Moldova. The financial support for scientific activity is based on its target orientation and multitude of financial sources. The budgetary funding of science is based on a combination of financial support of scientific organizations and specific funding of projects and scientific programs, etc. In order to accomplish the research a series of specific research methods of the economic issues were used as a methodological basis, as follow: logical (analysis and synthesis), historical, systemic, comparative and classification methods. Under the head of results and conclusions we can highlight that the scientific quality of the economic development is an innovative activity which points the production improvement in order to achieve high-quality products in large volumes to boost the economic efficiency of the industry by identifying the needs in scientific and technological progresses, researches and knowledge transfer of agricultural and industrial products to the producers. The recovery of patented innovations could bring state receipts and these royalties could be used to fund other research projects which could generate incomes in the national economy.

growth, research and development, investment, financing, knowledge economy, innovation, development strategy.