Presentation of the manuscript and decision on publication
Authors wishing to publish articles in the Economy and Sociology journal are asked to send manuscripts electronically to
They can also be mailed or handed over to the editorial board on paper and in electronic form. Manuscripts run the peer-review process and the authors get a response in about 4 weeks.
By sending the manuscript to the editorial office, the responsible author confirms that he has read and agrees with the ethics of publication published in the journal Economy and Sociology.
All the manuscripts received are reviewed by the editorial staff in terms of meeting the formal requirements of the journal. Articles that do not match the journal’s topic and are not written in accordance with the journal’s rules are not accepted for review, and the respective notice is sent to the author.
The articles accepted for examination are discussed at the editorial board meeting where the reviewers are appointed.
After reviewing the article (peer review, double blind), the comments and objections of the reviewers and the Editorial board are sent to the author with a proposal to make corrections to them or to repeatedly submit the article. If the manuscript is not accepted for publication, a motivational refusal is sent to the author.
After the article is accepted, the author must send the editorial (if any) files with diagrams and data for them.
The finally print
The layout of the articles accepted for publication (after review and final drafting by authors) is sent to the authors for the fine print. The authors are asked to reply to the editorial office within 3 days.
The authors receive 1 copy of the article (extracted in pdf) and a journal.
Agreement for publication
The copyright for published articles belongs to the National Institute for Economic Research. Reprinting of the materials is possible only with the Editorial board’s approval. Authors submitting articles to the editorial office implicitly declare their consent under these conditions.
Access to the contents of the journal
Access to the contents of the magazine is free on-line, the print version can be purchased with payment to the NIER Editorial Complex, including the order sent to the applicants or by subscription.
The editor of the journal, the National Institute for Economic Research, performs the electronic backup copy and will provide access to the contents of the journal if it will not be published.
Submissions are accepted all year round with the current waiting time of max. 6 months.
There are no author fees or charges required for manuscript processing and/or publishing.
Technical instructionsThe article structure
- Title of article: English, Romanian, Russian
- The data on author/authors: Name Surname, scientific degree, scientific title, institution (without abbreviations), in: English, Romanian and Russian with a footnote at the first page of the article: ©Name Surname (author), e-mail
- The abstract will contain actuality, aim of the research, main methods of researching, and the most relevant obtained results from the research in English, Romanian and Russian.
- Key words: 6-8 key words in English, Romanian and Russian.
- JEL Classification (Journal of economic Literature Classification
- Introduction (the argumentation of the actuality of the research/research problem)
- Literature review
- Data sources and used methods
- The results of research and discussions
- Conclusions
- References: up to 30 sources
Typing rules
- The form of basic text: A4 (edges: 20x20x20x20 mm); Times New Roman; 12pt; line spacing – 1,5, left-right alignment, the paragraph 10 mm
- The article title (centered, in capitals, 12pt.)
- The author of the article (right alignment, bold, italic), the last name of the author with capitals, 12pt.
- The abstract (left-right alignment, italic, paragraph 10 mm, 12pt. (250 words)
- Key words (left-right alignment, italic, paragraph 10 mm, 12pt.
- JEL Classification (right alignment, bold, italic, 12pt.)
- The work will contain 10-15 pages (from 25 to 40 thousands signs)
- Graphic elements (tables and figures) must be elaborated by author, have high quality (color), will be placed, directly, after concerned reference in the text. All the elements, mandatory, shall be accompanied by name and order number (above the table, below the figure), source and, as needed, additional information: note, legend (underneath the element).
- Bibliographic references are placed at the end of the article (Name, surname initial, title, editor, year, pages, ISSN). In the text shall be indicated bibliographical references, which include the name of the author and the year the publication was published (i.e., (Kessel 2010), (Hinde 1998; Pullum 2004), (Eurostat 2015). The reference page must be indicated by a colon (Rachkov 2011:213).