Anatolii ROJCO, PhD, Associate Professor, National Institute for Economic Research, Moldova
The relevance of the article is due to the fact that the functioning of labour markets in theRepublic of Moldova and Ukraine is facing a number of serious problems. Among them, the most acuteare the problem of inefficient employment, the widespread informal employment, and the imperfect wagesystem. The aim of the research is to analyze the challenges and risks in the labour sphere of Moldova andUkraine, to identify commonalities and differences in the process of transforming the labour markets ofboth countries, and to develop proposals for resolving the most acute problems. Information base of theresearch is represented by data of national statistics, international databases, legislative and normativeacts. The authors are using the following methods: monographic, statistical, analogue based, andcomparison based ones. They proposes various measures to bring the minimum wage to Europeanstandards, reduce the level of informal employment, and improve the system of social protection of theunemployed.