2016, no. 1


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Rodica PERCIUN, PhD, Associate Professor, National Institute for Economic Research
Viorica POPA, PhD Student, National Institute for Economic Research
Mariana BALAN, PhD, Professor, Romanian Academy

Economic and political uncertainty in recent years has adversely affected the activity of Moldovan banks unfavoring the dynamics of the national economy. The 2015 year can be considered a “rigid” year for the Republic of Moldova, built by the liquidation of three financial institutions at the NBM decision (CB “Unibank” SA, CB “Banca Sociala” SA and BC “Banca de Economii” SA), and the tightening of the monetary policy. That has led to mistrust of the population in this sector, creating problems with bank loans and deteriorating of bank asset. However, commercial banks during 2015 remained sufficiently liquid and capitalized (exception is CB “Unibank” SA, CB “Banca Sociala” SA and BC “Banca de Economii” SA). This article aims to research the financial and banking sector from the Republic of Moldova in 2015 in terms of uncertainty. Therefore, the novelty of the article lies in the analysis of the banking sector from the Republic of Moldova under the main financial prudential indicators. The main research methods were: systemic analysis, synthesis, monographic, logic, etc. The main scientific results obtained in the article, as a conclusion of the research are the identification, analysis of the main activity of the banking sector and the proposed set of recommendations on strengthening the financial stability framework in the Republic of Moldova.

banking sector, financial stability, loans portfolio, assets, deposits, loans, profitability and solvency.